Monthly Archives: June 2019



Today, the Judge will be kind
He will listen to my client.
Today, the the Judge will lift a hand to his face
And hide the sun glaring through the window
Permit the uneven clanking of the fan
Forgive the cracked plaster of the courtroom walls
He will be satisfied
That it is right and necessary to put rent before food
(No-one is proposing that the children should starve).

And today the costs of public welfare
Which 47 times you voted to cut
Will be that bit less.
Because what winner with the public would expect
A mother with a young child
In work, on benefits,
To eat all seven days of the week.

“What else can I do?” Not a question but a challenge
You said those words before leaving for Iraq
The sadness caught drily in your voice
All those plans of yours
Overcome by the noonday heat – your eyes cast down
But that was long ago, before
You promised that hope and history would rhyme.

You could have been a teacher
It is a bland kind of goodness, unshowy
And it would have been better
Than what you have become.
You might have swept the streets
You laugh! A man like you: a hero;
But don’t the streets still need to be swept?
No worker in blue overalls
Ever had the chance
To make three million people poorer
With one vote.

Today the Judge will be kind.
But tomorrow the rains will fall.
Hard, dry, unforgiving.

The New Authoritarians: more interviews, articles


In case any friends have missed them, I’m sharing here links to a couple of interviews I’ve done in the last few days. One was for the anti-fascist magazine and podcast Hope not Hate, whose researcher Joe Mulhall and I discussed Trump, Le Pen, the European elections, how the content of the far right has been broadening, so that fascism becomes a small part, but also how and why that process might reverse in future:

Another was with US based broadcaster The Real News. It’s a shorter link in which I explain much more briefly difference between an electoral far right and fascism:

Here’s a link to a post I wrote for Jacobin on the EU elections – as a moment of stabilisation rather than breakthrough for the far right.

Here’s a 20-minute talk I gave at the Conference for the Analysis of the Radical Right – setting out the approach of The New Authoritarians – and how the right has been changing since 2016.

Finally, an interview with Gr Gary Null on the Progressive Radio Network: